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Citi Bike Docking Station Sneak Peak

October 21, 2012

Photo: Michael Cairl. (Click to enlarge)

Michael Cairl, the president of the Park Slope Civic Council, snapped this picture of a Citi Bike Station at the Brooklyn Navy Yard.  Without any bicycles attached this one obviously isn’t operational, but it still gives a better sneak peak than the faux one-bike docking station used for the sponsor announcement in May.

Note the solar pole on top of the kiosk and the fact that this particular station seems to allow for parked bikes to alternate directions.  Most stations in other systems tend to have the bikes all facing the same way, so perhaps they’re tailoring some to squeeze a lot of bicycles into some tight New York City spots.


  1. Mike permalink
    October 21, 2012 10:08 pm

    The station is labeled for the Navy Yard. Kimd of looks like they’re actually rolling it out there…

    • JJJ permalink
      October 23, 2012 1:40 pm

      Could be, that station required some light construction (attaching the pieces together) after being dropped off, so its not like it just “fell off a truck”, it was actually “installed”

  2. Evan W. permalink
    October 22, 2012 11:28 am

    Cool!!!! I can’t wait.

  3. Chris M permalink
    October 23, 2012 1:16 pm

    could be a controlled test of the software! Nice find.

    It’s going to be a long winter waiting for bike share 😦

  4. James permalink
    October 24, 2012 7:33 pm

    I definitely like the alternating of the dock directions — clever adaptation to NYC. Still, I dislike how the Bixi stations — NYC included — are not permanently affixed to the streets. I think this makes it too easy for NIMBY-ites to get them moved, and also makes them look cheap and impermanent. Further, I think it’s a mistake that the branding is all citibike and does nothing to connect to NYC (I know, I know — this was all privately funded…blah.). London has done a masterful job of designing permanent stations (each dock is stuck into the cobbles independently or, now, at some stations where metal panels are used, at least the docks are perfectly flesh with the sidewalk) that are beautiful (illuminated maps upon touching a button that tell you where you can walk in 5 minutes and cycle in 15 minutes) and branded with London transport (‘Cycle hire’ with the tube/bus circle with horizontal line through the middle symbol). Here is an example: and a picture of the station kiosks:

    Alas, this is America, and not Europe, and we’re ‘too poor to have nice things’.


  1. Picture of a @CitibikeNYC docking station, snapped by someone during a visit to the Brooklyn Navy Yard. #bikenyc | - Exercising for fun and fitness in the New York City area by Anthony Olszewski
  2. Today’s Headlines | Streetsblog New York City

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